We charge a basic brokerage fee for each closed escrow & lease. An additional E&O fee applies for each closed escrow. It is that simple. We realize that even the best 90/10 splits often come with many additional fees per transaction as well as monthly charges. Only you know your current brokerage arrangement. So we've included this reminder list of many standard brokerage fees below to help you compare your current arrangement with ours. Use the list plus any we may have omitted. You'll see the savings per single escrow is significant alone - but when multiplied over the course of a year's efforts, these savings become extremely substantial.
Digs & Dwellings Fees
Broker Escrow flat fee |
Broker Lease flat fee |
E&O Insurance fee |
________________ |
No Additional Fees |
No Additional Fees
Standard Brokerage Fees
Broker Escrow fee |
E & O Insurance fee/td>
Broker Lease fee |
Administrative fee |
Desk fee |
Email fee
Franchise fee |
Marketing fee
Social Media fee |
Tech fee
Transaction fee |
Other fees
Complete the brokerage comparison by factoring in our incentives. If our full service brokerage fees, incentives & savings interest you, let's talk soon about the next possible phase of your real estate career. Insert your name below & this business card could signal a new beginning & a fresh start for you.